E.Journal as a part of my course ICTs for Learning Design in the GDLT.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Interactive Whiteboards

I can't wait to use one!!!

As I have not been placed in a school just yet, I am unsure whether I will have access to an Interactive Whiteboard. From what I have researched, these whiteboards are very useful for engaging learners and allowing them to interact with technology to learn. In a time where technology is booming and students are able to find information from many different sources, the interactive whiteboards allow teachers to scaffold the information sourced.

An interactive whiteboard is a whiteboard used via computer and projector connections. The touch screen allows teachers and students to engage directly with the technology effectively and efficiently. Learning the technology may take some time but engaging students in the way they prefer to learn is invaluable. Many reviews of the technology describe the students as eager to get their hands dirty using the whiteboards themselves. It is important that students feel ownership of their learning.

This video shows one example of how to use an interactive whiteboard.

This video shows some of the features of the whiteboards.

As I said... I cant wait to use one!


  1. Hi Toni,

    Just wondering if you've had a chance to use an IWB yet? I had a quick practice at Parkhurst State School during our tutorial group visit on Monday 19th April. It was a little tricky to operate at first, but once you get the hang of using the pens and are aware of the different applications available, it becomes obvious how useful IWBs can be in the classroom.

    If you provide opportunities for student use, incorporating IWBs into your lessons is a great way to maintain student's attention and keep them engaged. I used an IWB during a science lesson on Friday 23rd to create a KWL (for a new unit of work) with my 4/5 EPL class. I was surprised at how proficient the students were with the technology and really keen to have a go - It made delivering the lesson and creating the KWL so much easier as almost everyone wanted to contribute their ideas and write them on the KWL chart on the IWB. A student even came up with an idea for the "What I know" section that we weren't too sure of, so I asked them to ‘google it’ on the IWB to find out the answer... it just goes to show that IWBs are a perfect tool for fostering active learning and class participation. Hope you get the chance to use an IWB if you haven't already!!

    Kindest regards,
    Karlee Kreis
    GDLT - Primary

  2. Hi Karlee,

    Unfortunately I haven't yet used an IWB. I can't wait though, as I love technologies and am sure the students would love to engage with such an awesome tool! I have heard so many wonderful stories of how the students ask to use them, ask to have turns and are the first to put up their hands so that they get a chance! They have so many different capabilities, I cant wait to explore them!

    So glad you have found some ways to incorporate them into your lessons. Cant wait to experience this myself. (I start prac tomorrow so I will probably find out if the school has some!)


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